The time is now

The time is now

Is it time? Don’t worry my dear, there will be time for all your dreamsDon’t worry my dear, his success will make it easierDon’t worry my dear, when the children are older, there will be timeDon’t worry my dear, it is your duty now, but then...

Defining a decade

2010: A year about the family, starting with celebrating a coming of age in India, to a wonderful holiday in Thailand, Cambodia and Singapore with the extended family and a surprise from the parents and friends for the 40th bang in the middle of year! Bliss!! 2011 A...

Yin and Yan of hitting the half-century

In a couple of days, I will have been on this planet for 50 years. Coming up to the date I’ve been feeling a whole host of things…… somewhat despondent that perhaps the best years are behind me, a feeling of restlessness that perhaps I haven’t...

A decade of friendships

Why is it that every single year, you get to mid-December and think: “where did the year go?” or “there was so much I wanted to do this year!”And it is perhaps getting closer to the magic 5.0, that makes me reflect on this decade more or...

COVID TIMES: Keeping connections alive

Men are quiet. They are often expected to be. Silent, keep some emotions hidden and some open. Love politics? Get angry with the pollies? Shout, rant, get angry!Hate injustice? Angry about what’s happening in the share market? Show it! Bang the table, break a...

Prevention of family violence and violence against women programs

Inter-cultural competency consultation and training programs
Leadership programs
Specialist secondary consultations
Life skills 360
Supporting schools